FoCuS point correlator

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Welcome to the webpage of FoCuS point.

Introduction to FoCuS-point

FoCuS-point is stand-alone software for TCSPC correlation and analysis. FoCuS-point utilizes advanced time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) correlation algorithms along with time-gated filtering and innovative data visualization. The software has been designed to be highly user-friendly and is tailored to handle batches of data with tools designed to process files in bulk. FoCuS-point also includes advanced diffusion curve fitting algorithms which allow the parameters of the correlation functions and thus the kinetics of diffusion to be established quickly and efficiently. FoCuS-point published paper

What is FCS? How does it work? What is TCSPC?

What is FCS? Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy is a statistical approach for studying diffusion in fluorescently tagged molecular species. How does this work? The rate of diffusion can be established by measuring the periodic self-similarity (correlation) of fluctuations within a time-series of fluorescence recordings. What is TCSPC? Time Correlated Single Photon Counting is used when you have photon detectors sufficiently sensitive enough to detect the arrival of individual photons.

What file formats are supported by FoCuS-point software.

FoCuS-point can correlate .pt3 and .ptu files created using PicoQuant correlation systems as described on the PicoQuant website.